R.C. Thornton II – President

I have seen so many business owners who are good at what they do–and make a good living doing it–but who are absolutely being crushed by back IRS taxes.
I have seen so many business owners seek help for this issue…only to spend years being unable to resolve it:
They talk to their local CPA – who is sympathetic, but tells them “sorry, I don’t deal with back tax issues. Give me a call back when you have this sorted out.”
They call those 1-800 tax resolution firms that advertise all day long on TV and radio, only to talk with a pressure salesman who promises them that they can make the whole problem go away for “pennies on the dollar”.
I have devoted my career to building a solution for entrepreneurs to fully and completely fix their back IRS problems, once and for all. I regularly work with business owners who owe unfathomable amounts in back taxes, and I am proud of our firm’s track record in helping them to get back on track.
I feel this passion because I am an entrepreneur too. I believe that business ownership and entrepreneurship is one of the greatest callings we can attain.
I encourage you to check out our Case Study, which reveals my exact 3-step process I use to help my clients resolve their IRS issues, once and for all.
And if it resonates with you, I encourage you to schedule a time to speak with me.
To your success!
-R.C. Thornton II
Professional & Educational Credentials:
- Enrolled Agent (licensed by the Department of the Treasury to represent taxpayers before the Internal Revenue Service).
- Masters in Science, Taxation
- Bachelors in Science, Taxation
Todd Miramon – Head of Operations

In my 10 years of assisting clients with their back taxes, and working for several firms, I have seen several business owners seek advice or representation from tax firms who make false promises. I’ve heard salespeople from these firms say whatever it takes to get a taxpayer’s business by saying they can get their back taxes reduced through an Offer in Compromise without truly knowing the potential client’s income, expenses, assets, and equity. This is simply not the case! Would you hire mechanic who gave you a quote without him/her looking underneath the hood of your car to see what is the problem is? Absolutely not!
I believe in fairness! I believe if you’re going to pay for something, you should get your money’s worth. I work hard to assist my clients who have businesses into getting a solution to their back taxes, without making promises that can’t be kept. I truly enjoy helping people with small business’ getting back their livelihood and putting this chapter in their lives behind them, so their business prospers. I believe in hard work to get our clients where they need to be.
The catch? Only one…. It is HARD work. There is no magic wand to make your back taxes disappear. But the positive side of all this is you don’t have to do it alone. As Head of Operations/Case Manager, my team and I will be working with you every step of the way. I have assisted in several complicated cases with the IRS and State Departments of Revenue and will guide you through the process to make your stress and worry as minimal as possible.
As Head of Operations/Case Manager here, I make sure that your case moves towards a resolution in smooth, timely manner as well as help guide you through this process. I ensure we use all our resources to answer all your questions, concerns and obtain our ultimate goal…to NEVER have tax issues again.
If you are one of these taxpayers who owns/runs a small business and has back taxes, I encourage you to watch this free case study to learn more about resolving this issue.
In his spare time, Todd Miramon enjoys spending time with family, playing guitar in The 80’s Underground in San Diego, CA; surfing, playing softball and swimming.